5 ways to Learn and play with your child

The parent or teacher involved in the child’s play, must first believe that positive play experience are important to a child development. Through adult support children can gain confidence, build cognitive skills, language skills, as well as have an enriched play experience.   Here are 5 ways you can get involved and have an enriching play experiences with your child.

1.Read a story then “act it out” or play it out.  When retelling a story your child is building their language skills, vocabulary, comprehensions, and sequencing skills.  For young children you should use props, or dramatic play materials. Using concrete objects help children make direct association with words and the context of the story.

2.  Create your own story.  Allow your child to unleash their imagination and create their own unique story.  Children can use props, dramatic play materials, or create it in print. The adult role is to follow the child lead, and it important not to influence the story line. In creating print the adult can write what is dictated to them by the child, which help a child understand that words can be written.


3. You can explore your environment.  Go on a scavenger hunt at home or anywhere.  You can have a child search the area of for certain color objects to learn colors. They can search for letters, numbers, or words. The possibilities are endless and this is an easy and fun activity for most ages.

4. Play a game. Playing a game together creates a secure attachment or bond. It builds grammar and vocabulary skills by simply reading and explaining instructions. Depending on the complexity of the game children can learn practical skills, life lesson, or build cognition skills.

5. Just play. What every toys or materials your child is interested in at the moment, you should can just join them.  You have to follow their lead and allow them to direct the activity, but you can give them undivided attention, support, and have fun!

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